Faced with water damage to the vintage wallpaper in her Cape Cod cottage, resident DIY maven Justine Hand shows us how to remove those pesky stains.

A closeup of Justine's beloved wallpaper shows the effects of age, including water stains near the baseboards.

Winter’s water damage tipped the balance from “charming patina” and just plain “delerict.” Something had to be done.

Materials: -Bleach -Distilled water -Several rags and/or sponges -Measuring cup -Bowl -Dish detergent

Step 1: If your walls are dirty, use a little dish soap mixed with water to gently clean the walls. Be sure to thoroughly squeeze any excess liquid from the cloth so as not to create more stains.

Step 2: Mix one part bleach with two parts water.

Step 3:  Warning! Before you start wiping down a whole area, be sure to test a small spot that’s not in plain view.

Step 4:  Be careful not to apply too much water; you want the stain to disappear, not get worse. After applying the solution, dab with a dry cloth to prevent further staining.

Step 5:  Let the bleach solution rest for 5 minutes, then “rinse” or blot again with a wetted rag. Allow your paper to dry thoroughly before applying a second coat on any stubborn stains.