Photography by Corrie Hogg of David Stark Design for Remodlista

NYC event designer David Stark and Team show us how to create this Jasper Johns-inspired July 4th tablecloth.

Supplies: -Scissors -Gesso or white primer -Spare jar for mixing paint -Paintbrush  -2-inch masking or painter's tape -Iron -Iron-on adhesive backing -Heavy-duty star punch -Lightweight canvas fabric

Step 1: Cut the canvas to fit your table, leaving an overhang on all sides.

Step 2: Use some of the gesso to mix one-part gesso and one-part water in a jar. Apply a light wash to the entire canvas using loose, painterly strokes. Let dry completely.

Step 3: After the canvas is dry, use the masking tape to mark off stripes. Press the tape firmly, and paint the stripes using the gesso at full strength (not watered down).

Step 4: To make the stars, paint a large piece of scrap canvas (or several smaller pieces) with full-strength gesso. Allow to dry completely. Once dry, apply the iron-on adhesive to the back of the painted canvas, following the instructions on the adhesive packaging.

Step 5: After the iron-on adhesive has cooled, use the star punch to cut stars from the painted canvas.

Step 6: Lay out the flag’s star pattern. Working one star at a time, remove the paper backing from the iron-on adhesive and iron each star into place, following the instructions on the adhesive packaging.