Noticed recently: new black iron bars from Japan for hanging everything from towels to kitchen cookware on S hooks. The bars are available at Orne de Feuilles, an online shop based in Shibuya, Japan.
Above: The Large Iron Bar in black is 40.5 inches long and is positioned lower on the mounting hardware than usual; ¥4,104 ($39).
Above: The bar has a depth of 2.5 inches from the wall.
Above: The Small Iron Bar in black is about 25 inches long; ¥3,024 ($29).
Above: Kitchen accessories on S hooks hang from the rails. Consider mounting the rail on the underside of a cabinet, as seen in the kitchen at the Jennings Hotel.
Above: The Small Iron Dress Hanger in black is meant for the bath, closet, or bedroom wall with a depth of 8.5 inches from the wall; ¥3,024 ($29). The Large Iron Dress Hanger in black is ¥4,104 ($39).
Above: The lineup of black rails. The bar with the greatest height in the center is the Dress Hanger bar.
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