
DIY Essential Oils in the Home: Make a Yoga Mat Cleanser

Sagverket Yoga Studio via Fantastic Frank

Today in our miniseries on using essential oils in the home: how to make a cleansing, calming yoga mat cleaner. “Whether you practice at home or in a studio, it’s a great idea to clean your mat after every session to prevent bacteria from spreading on the surface of the mat,” says of Dawn De La Fuente, owner of herbal apothecary S/he Studio. The antibacterial properties of essential oils make it an excellent cleanser and disinfectant. Here are two blends that De La Fuente suggests—one clean and fresh, one calming—to add to your yoga bag.

Sagverket Yoga Studio via Fantastic Frank
Above: The bright sometime yoga studio at The Sawmill: A Hostel with Uncommon Style, Northern Sweden Edition.

To make a natural yoga mat cleaner:

1. Clean and Fresh

2. Calm and Meditative

Add one of the mixtures to a small glass spray bottle, tuck into your yoga bag, and spray your mat before or after use.

N.B.: Take care before using essential oils, and always test in a small, discrete area before applying. “Essential oils are the most potent form of plant medicine and must be respected and handled with care,” De La Fuente says. You may want to consult your physician (and your veterinarian) before using.

For more ways to use essential oils, consider these DIYs:

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