Spotted on designer Molly Madfis’s blog Almost Makes Perfect, an easy-to-assemble DIY wall clock that extends the magical blue hour all day long.
Photography by Molly Madfis via Almost Makes Perfect.
Above: Molly made her clock from easy-to-source craft store components and acrylic paint.
Above: Materials for the clock include a Round Wood Clock Face ($11.15 on Amazon for a 14-inch example made of Baltic birch), a Clock Quartz Movement Kit ($6.11 on Amazon, but Molly says you might want to spring for one that’s less bulky), and painter’s tape. Total for materials rings in at about $25, less if you already have paint and brushes.
Above: The clock in progress. Read the step-by-step instructions on Almost Makes Perfect.
Above: Start to finish, the project took Molly an hour. The clock hangs in her office above a friendly Fiddle Leaf Fig.
For another DIY clock–this one with charmingly ad hoc paper numbers stuck directly on the wall–see DIY: Vintage Paper Cutout Wall Clock.
More ideas? Browse all our Clock finds, including:
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