Here at The Organized Home, we are proponents of plastic-free living and sustainable solutions, but we know that getting started can be hard to do. Here are some of our favorite Instagram accounts to peruse for eco-friendly inspiration and tips.
1. @mama.eco
On sustainable-living blogger Shannon Kenny’s bright and inspiring feed, you’ll find meal ideas, product suggestions, and no-brainer tips for going zero-waste in style.
2. @wildsageobx
Entrepreneur Ariana Barnes is the brains behind eco-friendly essentials shop Wild Sage, in Outer Banks, North Carolina. Her shop stocks sustainable cleaning products and her whitewashed Instagram feed will have you ready to decamp to the Outer Banks immediately.
3. @trashisfortossers
We’ve featured Lauren Singer of the blog Trash Is for Tossers before (see Use This, Not that Plastic Thing: Expert Advice on 5 Easy, Eco Swaps for the Kitchen), but for bite-size tips, you don’t have to look any further than her Instagram feed, where she shares inspiration and advice for bulk shopping, composting, thrifting, and more.
4. @lilyfairly
The Paris blogger behind Lily Fairly is a self-professed crazy plant lady and advocate of a zero-waste lifestyle. Her moody photography style makes even decanted bulk grains look glamorous.
5. @rocket_science
San Francisco-based author, blogger, and actual rocket scientist Anita Vandyke’s Instagram is a great source for zero-waste tips and tricks. Follow for advice on skin care, cleaning, decluttering, and excerpts from Vandyke’s eBook, A Zero Waste Life.
6. @zerowastehome
Above: Finally, we couldn’t do a roundup of zero-waste living gurus without including the founder of the movement, Bea Johnson. Check out her Instagram feed for a glimpse of her zero-waste home and globe-trotting lifestyle.
N.B.: For more Instagram feeds we love, see our post 8 Small-Space-Living Instagram Accounts You Should Be Following and be sure to follow The Organized Home on Instagram.
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