We’ve seen the sloped space below stairs put to all sorts of good uses, from closets to picture galleries. Here’s a new idea: wine storage.
Above: Architect Noah Walker designed an under-the-stairs wine cellar; via Dwell.
Above: Our friend Catherine Dann installed an under-the-stairs wine cellar in her St. Helena, California, house (fun fact: she also keeps an airline drinks trolley in her dining room as a party bar). Photograph by Matthew Williams for Remodelista.
Above: Wine storage under the stairs in the West Village, New York City, via Billinkoff Architecture.
Above: For a similar sourcing idea, consider the Custom Waterfall Cascade Wood Wine Rack for under the stairs or in rooms with angled ceilings.
Above: Wine storage beneath the stairway, via Room Service.
Above: Architect David Sarti created a full-service bar on wheels; photo by Misha Gravenor for Dwell.
A bar to go with your wine cellar? Consider an Industrial Bar Cart, a Bar Cart Made from Pallets, and a DIY: Built-in Picnic Table Wine Bar. And you live in Seattle, check out Union Wine Co.’s Wine Tasting Truck.
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